Due to the evolving situation we have had to close groups for the time being and shut the SYP office. Our youth workers will still be available virtually during usual group hours and if you have any questions on how to get in touch with them please don’t hesitate to contact us! You can contact Helen on 07973 405280.

It is crucial time to look after ourselves and our mental health. If you need support, please check the available helplines, texting services and online support services below!

Livewell Dorset

Dorset Mind

Action for Happiness

Headspace Mindfulness App

BCP Covid-19 Helpline | Mon-Sun 8-8pm | 0300 123 7052

Childline | 24 hours | 0800 1111

Samaritans | 24 hours | 116 123

MindOUT | Mon-Sat 5:30-7:3pm, Sun 2-4pm

Kooth | Mon-Fri 12-10pm, Sat & Sun 6-10pm 

Shout | 24 hours | Text 'SHOUT' to 85258

LGBT Switchboard | Everyday, 10am-10pm | 0300 330 0630

MindLine Trans+ | Mon & Fri, 8pm-12pm | 0300 330 5468

If you are a youth worker looking for relevant advice, guidance, support and tools during the COVID-19 pandemic, you can visit this resource that has been created!

We will ensure to update our social media as the situation evolves. We encourage everyone to stay safe and follow Government Guidelines.